Click on the planet to get another one!

The buttons at the top let you download the description, download a high-res image, switch to map view, view/edit the planet's ID, and get a new random planet.

So if you like a planet and want to revisit it, write down its ID. Note that the map view doesn't exactly match the planet.

This is based on a generic proc-gen system that lets you describe a system of slots with possible values and rules for what combinations make sense.

The source is available on GitHub, and you're welcome to suggest improvements or ideas for new stuff to add.

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(80 total ratings)
TagsGenerator, Procedural Generation, Sci-fi
LinksSource code

Development log


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Hey this is pretty cool, thank you for creating it, I would be cool if theres a way to download a short video or a gif/webt of the planet rotating as it look in the page. :)

Возможно ли рассчитать примерный размер планеты по количеству площади, выделенной на 1 человека. При учëте что вода занимает примерно 35% планеты.

can you add zarth sox?

Uh add what?

are these planets free to use in works like novels and/or other books?


Yes, I make no intellectual property claims on the planets generated.


You're lovely for being so helpful to writers/devs.

(1 edit) (-1)

Colton was here

Coco was here


I don't understand how the science and industry measures work, for example, industry 2 and science 4.

Ícono de validado por la comunidad


It's an indication of how much industrial production and scientific research a colony on the planet would produce. The baseline value is 3.

thanks, that what i need.


There are 191,707,310,000 possible planets in this generator


Thanks to your models, I upgrade my world :)


So how did you go about making this look so realistic 


thats so cool i want something like download image like PNG and JPEG and also You Can Create own Alien Planet Such as Moons Gas Giants Ice Planets and Others


There's a download image button in the generator.


and Also Alien Alien Species and Animal Species Generator was Coming soon at 12th March 2022


I Still Want An Update


Still want alien planet maker update please

Can you make generate a gif or animated webm or animated  webp?

this is super cool

good job!

This is really cool!


hey!, I've been manipulating your code, just came back to say that you're a damn genius, thank you very much for this engine.


hey hello!, amazing work, could i use this to create a generative random game nft?, i meant i have to pay something?, thanks again for such an amazing work :D

This is a Cool Game!


Hello :) Thanks a lot for your planet generator, the pictures are very high quality and the lore helps me to develop ideas for planet stories :) i've already used 70 generated planets for some Warhammer 40k lore hehe
Do you plan to create custom settings, so users could set values like "x+ %" or "y-% value" of a parameter like water, desert, forests, cities, etc.. so the randomly generated number could be between x and 100 or y and 0 to create specific yet randomly planets :) 

I was looking through a 2 year old article about good planet generators & most of the links I was trying to visit were no longer functional, so this site still being up was a pleasant surprise :)

This a great tool, and the image downloader is unbelievably useful!

Thanks so much for making/maintaining it

This is great! It makes me happy just to look at it when I open my browser! :D


This is a really amazing game/tool, and great for generating ideas! I'm currently fleshing out a SciFi game with planets on World Anvil - would you mind if I used images this generates? I would credit you directly with a link to this site, if that's okay? 

Of course you can use them!

Thank you very much! I'll send you a link once I get it all put together :) 

This is URL is very useful


Another thought would be whether you can let users set one (or more of the parameters) if they wanted. E.g. set habitabilty to 10%

this would be ideal

This is pretty cool.

Can you create a few more stats for the planets?  E.g. Gravity, length of day, length of year, atmosphere.  Just a thought.

Can you add an export to txt and png button?

This generator is so good its planets could be usable directly. If I had a rectangular png map of the surface, I could show planetary locations clearly.

Uh maybe, I'd have to dig back into the code and figure out how.

Thank you for considering at least. I've spent the last two weeks finding and testing different various planet / terrain generators and so far your one has been the best. If it helps, try this resource: (right-click view source)


Check this out:

It's the same thing but with the ability to download the Planet as PNG (but not the Rectangular surface of the map)

Indeed, the author sent me the code and now it's also up here. :)

Oh, and I have a test version that produces the rectangular map too, but the map looks awful. You can really tell it's perlin noise in a way that's hidden by when it's a rotating sphere.


@Zarkonnen I think it would still be worth releasing. For my purposes / game project, a rectangular map is more important for its shape and information rather than its looks.

Please release it anyway!


i rely on my friends here. Having this stuff is clearly HELPFUL and your work is amazing !

Hey Zark, I absolutely love your planet generator, is it ok if I use some for a project I am working on (website)? And if so, what kind of credit would i have to give you?

Sure, go for it. Put a link back to this page somewhere, if that works?

Your planet generator is exactly what I’ve been looking for. If you don’t mind, I’m going to use a few of your planet bios in the book I’m currently writing. If it ever gets published, you can have a free copy and a credit inside! Good work, Z.

I absolutely love this planet gen. Great work man! Also. Can I use the planets in a homemade card game i'm working on? I'll put your name at the bottom of all the cards that use the planets generated by this.

Absolutely, I'd be honoured!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks! Useful for SF inspiration!